Staff Nurse Exam Previous Questions

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Staff Nurse Examination Previous Questions
1. Calcium deficiency leads to ................
ANS: tetany

2. Protein  deficiency in children leads to .....
ANS: Kwashiorkor

3. Sunshine Vitamin is .....
ANS: Vitamin D

4. Daily requirement of iron for a normal adult is ....
ANS: 20 mg

5. Energy requirement of 1 year old child per day is ....
ANS: 1000kcal

6. A pregnant women's daily dietory requirement of iron is ....
ANS: 40 mg

7. Percentage of Protein a child should get from the mid day school meal provided is ....
ANS: 50%

8. Prevention of food adulteration act is enacted by Government of India in the year....
ANS: 1954

9. Daily Calcium requirement for an adult is ...
ANS: 400 - 500 mg

10. Which is a fat soluble Vitamin ....
ANS: Vitamin A

11. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 causes ....
ANS: Perniciouc anemia

12. Presence of Bitots spots in eyes are the signs of which Vitamin deficiency ....
ANS: Vitamin A

13. Deficiency of fluorine results in ...
ANS: Dental carries

14. Water soluble Vitamins are ...
ANS: B and C

15. Vitamin D is essential for formation of ....
ANS: bones and teeth

16. Vitamin that helps in wound healing is ....
ANS: Vitamin C

17. Iodine is essential for the synthesis of ....
ANS: Thyroxine

18. Protein requirement for infant per kilogram of body weight is ....
ANS: 3.5 gms

19.One gram of fat gives how much calories?
ANS: 9 calories

20. Vitamin B2 is known as ...
ANS: Riboflavin

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Staff Nurse

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