1. Semiconductor Devices and OP-Amps
Power Diodes, BJTs, Power MOSFETs, Thyristors, TRIAC, Insulated Gate Bipolar
Transistors: Structure, Characteristics, Negative Feedback, General Requirements of Feedback
Circuits, Effect of Feedback on Amplifier, Performance, The four feedback topologies, effect of
feedback connection on amplifier port resistance and stability, the op-amp architecture, linear
op-amp circuits: non-inverting, inverting, difference, instrumentation, summation, integration,
differentiation amplifiers, non linear op-amp circuits.
2. Circuit Analysis
Kirchoff’s Law, review of network theorems, substitution, super position reciprocity,
maximum power transfer, Thevenins, Nortons, Transients in linear circuits, signal
representation, characteristics of signals – unit step function, impulse and ramp function, non
sinusoidal signals, Fourier series and transforms, Laplace transforms, Laplace transforms of
important signal wave forms.
3. Digital Electronics and Logic Design
Number systems and conversion, binary codes, Boolean algebra, basic operations, truth
tables, simplification theorems, laws and theorems of Boolean algebra, EX-OR and equivalence,
Karnaugh maps, minimum expressions using essential prime implicates, Flip-Flops : S-R trigger,
J-K, Clocked J-K and D-flip-flops, design of binary counter, other sequences, counter design
using flip flops
4. Electromagnetics and Antennas
Review of Maxwell’s equations, Faradays, Gauss’s and Ampere’s laws, boundary
conditions, power flow and pointing vector, propagation of uniform plane wave – Uniform plane
waves in lousy media, conductors and di-electronics, skin depth, group velocity, normal and
oblique incidence of plane waves on plane boundaries, oblique incidence, loss less media and
perfect conductors, equations governing potential functions, Lap laces, Poisson equations and
solutions, TE, TM and TEM waves, Antennas, Dipoles and monopoles, radiation pattern, gain,
receiving cross section, beam width, minor lobes, radiation resistance and polarization.
5.Microprocessors and Applications
Organisation of 8-bit processors, external organisation of memory, CPU timing and
Control Unit, Register Organisation, programming the 8085, Addressing modes – Instruction
sets and timing diagrams, Assembly language programming, Stack and subroutine concepts,
memory interfacing, data transfer schemes, DMA transfer, Address partitioning schemes,
Interfacing I/O devices, Interrupts, General purpose programmable peripheral devices, ADCs,
successive approximation, integrating type, flash type, 8086 internal architecture registers,
memory address space, segment registers, memory segmentation, stack, I/O space, addressing
modes, instruction set and assembly language programming.
6. Communication Systems
Modulation techniques: Amplitude Modulation and de modulation, SSB, DSB, Vestigial
sideband modulation, frequency division multiplexing, Angle modulation, Frequency Modulation
and demodulation. Phase locked loop, limiting of FM waves, stereophonic FM broadcasting,
Television: Modulation techniques, TV standards, B/W transmission and reception, Colour
transmission and reception, Digital transmission: Pulse Code Modulation, Sampling, quantising,
coding, Differential Pulses – Code Modulation, Delta modulation, Digital Modulation
Techniques: ASK, FSK, PSK and QPSK.
7. Signal Processing
Discrete – time signals and systems : properties of discrete – time systems- convolution
Difference Equation Representation of Discrete Time systems. The Z transform-properties of Z
transform-inverse Z transform, Discrete Fourier Transform – properties-block convolution,
Decimation-in-time FFT algorithm – Decimation-in-Frequency FFT algorithm, FIR and IIR
8. Control Systems
Basic Control System components: Block diagram description-reduction of block
diagram-open loop and closed loop systems-signal flow graphs and their use in determining
transfer function, properties of systems: Linearity, time invariance, stability and causality:
special properties of Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems: Transfer function, Impulse response,
transient response of first order and second order systems-Error Constants-Generalized
Definition of Error Coefficients, concept of stability: Poles, zeros and their significance in
stability analysis, tools and techniques for LTI Control System Analysis.
9. Microwave devices and Radar Systems
Velocity modulation, basic principles of two cavity, Klystron and Reflex Klystron,
Microwave solid state devices, transferred electron devices, Gunn effect, IMPATT diode,
TRAPPAT diode, Microwave Ferrite devices and measurement: Faraday rotation in Ferrites,
isolator, circulator, resonant cavities, fundamentals of radar systems : radar range equation,
radar frequencies, pulse considerations, minimum detectable signal, receiver noise, integration
of radar pulses, pulse repetition frequencies.10. Computer Networks
Introduction to Network structure, topology and standards, ISO reference model for open
system interconnection, Functions and design issues of the OSI layers, Physical layer concepts,
Data Transfer modes: Synchronous and Asynchronous, Speed Matching concept, Multiplexers,
Statistical Multiplexers, concentrators, modems and switching, multiple access networks,
connection management, MAC networks, MAC protocols, Bus and Ring Architectures,
CSMA/CD, slotted ring and token passing, LAN protocols, IEEE 802 standardization in OSI
model: IEEE 802.2, 802.3, 802.4 and 802.5 standards. IEEE 802.11 WLAN standards,
Principles of ATM.
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed
above, questions from other topics prescribed for the
educational qualification of the post may appear in the
question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics
above may be covered in the question paper.
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