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(CATEGORY NO. 39/2011)
PART. I  Questions based on Zoology
   1.   Physiology:
a.Respiration: Pulmonary volumes and capacities; respiratory adaptations at high
altitude and in diving mammals; Structure of hemoglobin, Transport of gases,
regulation of respiration, respiratory disorders in man.
b.  Circulation:  Cardiac  cycle  and  its  regulation,  hemodynamics,  electrical
characters of heart, cardiovascular diseases in man.
c. Excretion: Excretory organs in animal; human kidney; urine formation; urea
cycle; physiology of micturition; kidney disorders.
d.  Muscle  Physiology:  Molecular  basis  of  muscle  contraction,  energetics  of
muscle contraction.
e.Nerve physiology: Classification of neurons and their functions; reflex action;
structure  and  function  of  brain,  sense  organs;  memory;  sleep,  Alzheimer’s
disease, schizophrenia; dementia, epilepsy; Parkinson’s disease.
f.  Endocrine  system:  Major  hormones  and  their  functions;  mechanisms  of
hormonal action; neurohormones; hormonal disorders.
g. Environmental physiology: Regulation of body temperature; osmotic and ionic
   2.   Biochemistry:
a. Carbohydrates:  Classification,  structure  and  properties;  reactions  of

b. Lipids: Classification, structure and properties; fatty acid metabolism.c. Protein: Classification of amino acids; reactions of proteins; structures of
d. Nucleic acids: Structure of RNA and DNA.
e.  Enzymes:  Classification  of  enzymes;  mechanisms  of  enzyme  action;
Michaelis-Menten  equation-  derivation,  double  reciprocal  plot,  LineWeaverBruke method, Significance of KM and Vmax values; regulation of enzyme
  f. Bioenergetics
g.Metabolism and biosynthesis of biomolecules 
   3.     Cell biology:
     Molecular Biology and Genetics: Structure and functions of cell membrane;
organization of chromatin and chromosome; cell cycle  and cell death; cell
organelles;  cell  signaling;  DNA  as  genetic  material;  DNA  structure  and
replication; DNA repair; genetic  code; eukaryotic  and prokaryotic genome;
mutation; protein synthesis in eukaryotes and prokaryotes; gene regulation;
operon concept with examples; transposons; genetics of cancer; prokaryotic
and eukaryotic genome; recombinant DNA technology; cloning and expression
vectors; genetically modified organisms; PCR; southern, western and northern
blotting; chromosome walking and jumping; DNA finger printing; microbial
genetics; organelle genome; human genome project 
   4.     Ecology:
Structure  and  function  of  ecosystem;  habitat;  niche;  energy  flow;  mineral
cycling;  population  ecology;  community  ecology;  ecological  succession;
pollution; ecological foot print; climate change; global warming; carbon trading;
remote sensing; biogeography; bio geographical zones of India; biodiversity;
conservation biology 
  5  .     Systematics:
Alpha,  beta  and  gamma  taxonomy;  taxonomic  procedure;  species  concept;
zoological nomenclature; molecular taxonomy; ethics in taxonomy 
6.   Ethology:
Learning; social behavior; reproductive behavior; sign stimuli; social releasers;
ethograms;  super  normal  stimuli;  stimulus  filtering;  motivating  factors;
instinctive behavior; navigation and migration; genetics of behavior 
Evolutionary  theories;  Origin  and  evolution  of  biological  molecules;  micro
evolution and macro evolution; molecular clock; modern concepts of Adam and
Eve; evolution of man 
Type of immunity; mechanisms of immunity; diversity of immunoglobulins and
t-cell  receptors;  MHC  complex;  primary  and  secondary  immunodeficiency
diseases; auto-immunity; organ transplantation;  immune  effector  mechanisms;
Bio-acoustics; bio-electricity; bio-luminescence; microscopy; spectroscopy;
10.Biostatistics : 
Mean; median, mode; standard deviation; t-test; F-test; chi square; probit
analysis for bioassay. 
11. Developmental biology: 
Gametogenesis,  fertilization  and  early  development;  embryogenesis  and
organogenesis;  molecular  and  genetic  basis  of  development;  metamorphosis;
ageing; environmental regulation of animal development. 

PART.II  Questions based on Botany
1.Phycology- Classification, phytoplanktons, algal cytology, reproduction, life cycles,
energy sources and pigments, economic and biological importance, thallus structure, cell
ultra structure, reproduction, relationships and evolutionary trends in different groups. 
Mycology-General  characters,  nutrition,  reproduction,  heterothallism,  parasexuality,
classification, phylogeny, Lichenology.
Bryology-General characters, classification, life history, phylogeny, origin and evolution,
Pteridology-General  characters,  life  history,  cytology,  anatomy,  evolution  of  stele,
sporangium,  heterospory,  seed  habit)  gametophytes,  Apogarny,  Apospory  and
Gymnosperms-Geological time scale and connected flora, classification.
2. Microbiology- Microorganisms and their characteristics, biological microbiology. 
Plant  Pathology-Principles,  symptoms,  causal  agents,  Koch’s  postulates,  eatrogenic
diseases,  seed  pathology,  infection,  defence  mechanisms,  disease  management,
3.Angiosperm Anatomy-Cell wall structure, development, chemical constituents, node,
leaf trace and branch trace, primary and secondary structure of stem, leaf, secondary
growth, anomalous secondary growth, seedling anatomy.
Angiospenn  Embryology-Micro  and  mega  sporogenesis,  embryo  sac,  pollen-  pistil
interaction, in vitro pollination and fertilization, embryos, endosperm, polyembryony,
apomixes, parthenocarpy.
Palynology-Pollen  morphology,  evolution,  Aero,  melitto,  forensic,  allergy,oil
exploration, paleopalynology.Palynology in relation to taxonomy.
4.Laboratory Techniques-Killing, fixing, dehydration, stains, permanent serial sections,
whole mounts, maceration, histochemical tests.
Cell  Biology-Cell  structure,  reproduction,  cell  cycles,  meiotic  defects,  and  human
diseases,  programmed  cell  death,  aging,  cell  signalling,  cell  interactions,  cellular
differentiation, Cancer, metastasis.
Molecular Biology-Molecular biology of gene, c-value paradox, replication of DNA,
primosomes, replisomes, telomears and its function, gene expression, protein synthesis,
mutation, molecular evolution, phylogenetics.
Biophysics-pH and buffer solutions, Henderson and Hasselbalch equation,
chromatography, Electrophoresis, centrifugation, colorimetry, spectrophotometry, BeerLamberts law,
Radiobiology, immunochemistry, RIA, ELISA, cryobiology.
5.Cytogenetics-Aneuplolds, euploids, heterozygotes, Robertsonian translocation; B-A
translocation. Karyotype, chromosome aberrations, molecular cytogenetics, computer
assisted chromosome analysis, chromosome micro-dissection and micro-cloning; flow
Cytometry, polytene and lampbmsh chromosomes, Supernumerary chromosomes.
Genetics-Mendelism,gene interactions, linkage and gene mapping, extra nuclear
inheritance, cytoplasmic male sterility, quantitative genetics, population genetics, human
Biostatistics-Types and collection of data, tabulation and presentation of data, analysis of
data, measures of dispersion, tests of significance, analysis of variance, correlation and
Regression analysis, expelimental designs, probability, distributions, statistical softwares.
Plant Breeding-Objectives, organizations, breeding systems, genetic resources, methods,
markers quality breeding, IPR.
Evolution-The  concept,  evidence,  theories  of  evolution,  origin  of  life,  reproductive
. origin of species, evolution at the molecular level.
6.Plant Ecology & Conservation Biology-Habitat Ecology, Productivity and Energy
flow,  Population  characteristics,  pollution,  Threats  to  the  global  environment,  EIA,
conservation,  threatened  plants,  afforestation,  IBP,  MAB,  IUCN,  Environmental
awareness, Biodiversity, National heritages.
Phytogeography-Patterns of plant distribution, phytochoria of world.
Forest Botany-Forest, Forest products, NWFPS, environment, deforestation.
7.Plant Physiology -   Water and Cells, Transpiration, Absorption of mineral ions, Plants
and nitrogen, GDH/GS/GOGAT, Photosynthesis, translocation xenobiotic, growth, stress
Metabolism -  Enzymes, isoenzymes, intermediary metabolism, Glycolysis, TCA cycle,
Oxidation  of  fatty  acids,  Oxidative  phosphorylation,  Gluconeogenesis,  Lipid
Biosynthesis, Secondary metabolism.
Biochemistry-The molecular logic of life, biomolecules, secondary metabolites.
8.Morphology & Taxonomy :  The concept of primitive angiosperm flower, Origin and
evolution  of  structure  and  morphology  of  floral  parts,  Principles  of  Taxonomy,
classification, Taxonomic hierarchy, Plant nomenclature, Concepts of character, Modern
trends in Taxonomy, Classification of Taxonomic literature, Herbarium, BSI, Botanical
Gardens, Plant resources.9.Biotechnology: Plant Tissue Culture, Genetic Engineering-Gene and gene products,
bloating,  restriction  maps,  FISH,  PCR,  DNA  finger  printing,  DNA  chips,  DNA
sequencing,  HGP,  Recombinant  DNA  Technology,  cDNA  Libraries,  cloned  genes,
transgenic plants, enzyme technology, antisense RNA technology; transgene inactivation,
terminator and traitor technologies, cloning, ethics of cloning; patenting of genes and
GMOs,  gene  piracy,  ethics  and  bio  safety  aspects,  recDNA  safety;  IPR,  bio  safety
Bioinformatics.Computer  application-Computer  in  Science  with  special  reference  to
biology, Information super highway, Internet, WWW, Web browsers, HTTP, HTML,
URLs.  Biological  networks,  Online  publications,  Free  Software  Foundation.
Bioinformatics-lntroduction,  Biological  Databases,-EMBL,  GenBank,  PJR,  SWISSPROT,  TrEMBL  NRDB,  OWL  PROSITE,  PRINTS,  BLOCKS,  IDENTIFY,  SCOP,
Microarrays, functional genomics, comparative genomics, pharmaco genomics, chemo
informatics, medical informatics.
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics
detailed  above,  questions  from  other  topics
prescribed for the educational qualification of the
post may also appear in the question paper. There
is no undertaking that all the topics above may be
covered in the question paper

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