(CATEGORY NO. 404/2010)
1. Labour Welfare
Meaning – Definition – Scope – Theories, Principle and approaches –
Statutory and Non Statutory Labour Welfare – Intra – Mural and Extra
Mural Welfare – Agencies of Labour Welfare
2. Labour Legislation
Objectives, Principles, Classification, Evolution of Labour Legislation in
India, Impact of ILO, Labour legislation and Indian Constitution,
Factories Act 1948, Employees State Insurance Act 1948, Work
Compensation Act 1923, Maternity Benefit Act 1961
3. Trade Union
Objectives, Functions, New Role of Trade Union in the context of
globalization, IT, Trade and Productivity, Theories, Structure of Trade
Union, Trade Union movement in India, Leadership, Finance, Union
Policies, Registration of Trade Unions, - Power and function of the
Registrar of Trade Union – Cancellation of Trade Union. Trade Union
Act 1926 – Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946 –
Industrial Dispute Act 1947, Minimum Wages Act 1948, Payment of
Wages Act 1936 – Equal Remuneration Act 1976 – Payment of Bonus
Act 1965
4. Approval, Licensing & Registration of Factories
Health, Safety & Welfare of workers – working hours – Employment of
woman and young persons – Administration of ESI scheme – Employers
liability to pay compensation – Responsibility of payment of wages –
Fixation of wage periods – deduction and fines – Authorities and
adjudication of claim – Fixation and revision of minimum wages –
powers of appropriate advisory committee and Board – Payment of
minimum wages.
5. Industrial Relations
Importance, Definition, Scope, Role and Impact on Labour Laws,
Legislation, Execution, Employer, Trade Unions and Judiciary.6. Industrial Dispute
Nature and Causes of Industrial Disputes – Machinery for solving
industrial disputes under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 at National and
State level – Work man and industrial dispute – Authorities under the
Act – Procedure, Power duties authorities – Strikes and Lock outs –Lay
Off and Retrenchment – Special provision related to lay off – protected
7. Role of Judiciary and its impact on Industrial Relations
Collective bargaining – meaning, characteristics, need importance,
process, causes for failure of collective bargaining, Alternatives to
collective bargaining, Importance of Employee Stock option plans.
8. Workers participation in Management
Concept, Pre-requisites, forms & levels of participation, benefit of
workers participation in Management – Grievance handling procedure –
Labour Management – Co-operation – role of functional manager
including personnel & industrial relations, manager in promoting &
establishing peaceful industrial relations.
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above, questions from other topics prescribed for the educational qualification of the post may also appear in the question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics above may be covered in the question paper.
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