Instructions to the Candidate

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1 Candidates shall occupy the seats allotted to them in the Examination Hall, half an hour (30 minutes) prior to the commencement of examination for verification of their admission tickets and identity.

2 Candidates will be permitted neither to enter the examination hall after the  commencement of the examination nor to leave the hall until the examination is over.

3 The only materials allowed inside the examination hall are the admission ticket, identification certificate, identity proof and copy thereof, ball point pen with blue or black ink and writing board. Candidates should not bring with them any electronic  /communication device such as Calculator, Mobile Phone, Digital Diary etc. in the examination centre.
4 Candidates should put their signature beneath the declaration in the Identification Certificate in the presence of the Assistant Superintendent/Invigilator. They should also put their signature against their names in the address list provided in the examination hall.

5 Candidates shall produce a photo affixed Identity Proof in original and a self-attested copy of the same to prove their Identity. The following 15 documents will only be accepted as identity proof. 
1) Voters ID issued by Election Commission 
2) Driving License 
4) ID card issued by Social Welfare Dept., Govt. of Kerala to Physically Handicapped persons 
5) Photo affixed Passbooks issued by Nationalized Banks 
6) PAN Card 
7) ID Cards issued to Govt. employees by the Departments/Institutions concerned 
8)Discharge Certificate issued to the ex-servicemen/Photo affixed ID Card issued to the ex-servicemen by the Zila Sainik Welfare Officer
9) Conductor Licence issued by the Motor Vehicle Department 
10) Photo affixed pass book issued by Scheduled Banks/Kerala State Co-operative Bank/District Co-operative Banks 
11) Photo affixed ID card issued by Public Sector undertakings (Various Companies/Corporations/Boards/Authority)/Govt. Autonomous Institutions to their employees 
12) Photo affixed identity card issued by Various universities of Kerala State to their employees 
13) Photo affixed Medical Certificate issued by the Medical Board to PH candidates 
14) Photo affixed ID Card issued by Bar Council to those who are enrolled as Advocates 
15) AADHAAR card issued by the Central Government.
Candidates should also enter their Register number on the copy of Identity Proof. Candidates who fail to produce identity proof and its self-attested copy will not be permitted to attend the examination.

6 Candidates should enter their name, address and other relevant details in the space provided in the Identification Certificate. As the Photograph of the candidate has been uploaded along with the application, the scanned image of that photograph will be there on the Identification Certificate. HENCE NO PHOTOGRAPH SHOULD BE PASTED ON THE IDENTIFICATION CERTIFICATE. (Candidates shall not put their signature on the scanned image of their photograph). Those candidates, who submit Identification Certificate with Photograph pasted over the scanned image, will not be allowed to attend the examination. If the scanned image of the candidates photograph in the Identification Certificate is not in the specified size nor identifiable, you will not be admitted for the examination.

7 Candidates who misbehave with the officials engaged in examination duty or commit any sort of malpractice or resort to any unfair means in the examination will be expelled from the examination hall. The answer scripts of the candidates who violate the above instructions will be invalidated and legal action will be taken against them.

8 Candidates are admitted provisionally for the examination, as detailed scrutiny of the applications has not been completed. If any discrepancy in the applications is found on detailed scrutiny, such applications will be rejected.

9 No change of examination centre will be allowed under any circumstances.

10 The candidates who are eligible for Travel Allowance should get attendance certificate from the Chief Superintendent on the day of the examination itself. If the examination is postponed due to any reason whatsoever, the new date will be published in print and visual media and the website of the Commission ( No individual communication will be issued to candidates in this regard. Candidates should produce the same admission tickets for the examination on the new date.

1. Modified OMR answer sheets, which can be evaluated using an Optical Mark Reader (OMR), with Alpha code character (A/B/C/D) printed on Part A and on Part B and the respective Alpha code bubble blackened on Part B will be issued for this examination.

2.Alpha code allotted to the candidate is noted along with the Register Number on their seats. Candidates shall ensure to receive
Question Paper Booklet and OMR Answer sheet with the same Alpha code allotted to them.

3.Fresh OMR sheet/question booklet will not be supplied for any reason except printing or manufacturing defect.

4 Avoid perforation, dampening or soiling of the answer sheet. 

5. Read the instructions on the reverse of the OMR sheet. Do not tamper with the barcode in the centre of the OMR answer sheet, otherwise your answer sheet will be invalidated

6 Part A of the answer sheet is for entry of register number, date of birth, name of post and date of test. Part B is for marking answers. 

7. In the columns provided for register number and date of birth, write your register number and date of birth in the respective boxes and fully darken the corresponding bubbles. In the case of common test for two or more posts, write your register numbers and darken the bubbles in separate columns provided for the purpose. The English alphabet prefixed to the Register Number should be entered in the separate box provided.

8. Errors in marking entries in Part A of the answer sheet will lead to invalidation of the answer script. Fresh OMR sheet will not be supplied.

9.In Part B, for each question, darken only the bubble corresponding to the right answer using ball point pen with blue/black ink.
E.g. If the right answer is C,
(A)    (B) (C)   (D)
No other marking should be made anywhere on the answer sheet.

10 Each correct answer will fetch 1 mark. Each wrong answer will lose 1/3 mark (negative mark).

11 Marking more than one answer or making alterations after marking an answer will result in negative marks.

12 Use the blank sheet at the end of the question booklet for calculations, if any.

13 Part A and Part B of the OMR Answer sheet should not be separated before the examination is over.

14 The candidate must attend at least one question, otherwise the script will be invalidated. 

15After the time allotted for the test is over, separate Part A and Part B of the answer sheet along the dotted line (through the middle of Bar Code) and hand over both parts to the Assistant Superintendent. Violation will result in invalidation of answer script.

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